Saturday, 23 January 2021

More Quarantunes

 I've been keeping myself occupied in these strange times by making music at home, and then sharing it on Bandcamp, all priced at "Pay What You Like". Some of the music is the surf / twang / garage that regular listeners would expect and some of it is me playing with keyboards, synthesizers, primitive drum programming, and a range of other musical tools. 

I have reached Volume 18 of the regular Quarantunes VOLUME 18-  and there are several other collections of electronics, drones, tone poems here : The Whole Bang Shoot .

I really enjoy making music and exploring sounds, so it has been a boon to have lots of musical gadgets to play with : I find that having a new thing to make sound with is likely to inspire me to create something with it, and that is often a different harmonic or melodic path from what I would normally take on my home turf of "single coil guitar into a Fender-type amp with a bit of reverb and a bit of shimmer". Even though that is still my home turf after all these years! 

I will do an updated technical / songwriting post soon but now I am going to enjoy some winter sun. I hope you are all keeping as well as possible in these weird times